Toys on Parade...


Are you an antique doll or toy enthusiast or can appreciate toys from the past?


When and Where?

The Portsmouth Historical Association (PHA) will be displaying a collection of vintage toys from local citizens for the November-December 2019 holiday season. We are seeking a temporary loan of children’s toys to the Hill House Museum for this exciting exhibit. This exhibit will start the last week of November through December.

How can you help?

Do you have an antique or vintage toy that you are willing to share for the exhibition during these two months?  (think really hard)  For example, you may have metal fire truck or an Erector set,  a hand puppet,  games, dreidels, books, or an original Tinker Toy set – the list goes on.  

All items will be treated with the greatest of care and close supervision. The Hill House is fully insured for any unforeseen problem. An official temporary loan agreement will be signed between the donor and PHA.


Allow us to display your item(s) and share its’ story

•          Call or email Lane Killam at 757-399-7758 or

•          Call or email John Joyce at 757-582-5330 or

Either of these two volunteers can answer your questions, explain the process, and arrange for pick-up.  This will include a photo of the toy, a history of the toy, and any interesting story about it.

Next Steps?

So, start thinking about how you can help.  We know November 2019 is a long time away, but like every holiday season, it will be here before you know it.  Use the contact information above if you want to share a vintage or antique toy for display for the holidays at the Hill House Museum.     
